Posts tagged Snow
The Wedge

Christmas is long gone, but when I see these pictures, because of the snow, my first thought is Boyz II Men's "Let it Snow" *starts snapping on the 2 and 4, cue 90's dance moves.* This past Friday we had a pretty snowfall, the kind that looks like it's filled with diamonds because everything looks like it's covered in glitter as you drive by. For those of you who live up North, you know what I'm talkin' about!

Urban Outfitters blazer (old), F21 scarf, Target beanie, H&M jeans (old), Super sunnies, Puma wedge sneakers
I initially didn't like the wedge sneaker when it first popped off, and told myself I wouldn't indulge in the trend. My mind has obviously changed after I stumbled across these. I was really digging the 80's vibe they were giving me, so I said why not?! These pups will become regulars once summer hits!

I woke up this morning to a notification that my school was closed because of snow/sleet/ice. I was oh so very happy and slept for an extra three hours! I ain't mad at it! Maybe I will finally clean my room and fold some laundry since I have no other plans today lol. Oh! I mentioned a few posts ago that I'm now a Lucky Magazine contributor, here's my latest post on the site! Check it out, and vote me up pleeasse! 


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Give thanks.
The Limited Blazer (similar here), TJ Maxx blouse (similar here) & pants (similar here), F21 boots.
It was absolutely freezing cold outside when I took these photos yesterday, and flurrying too! I don't know why or how, but that episode of The Babysitters Club popped into my head while I was outside. The episode when one of them gets casted as a model for a photo shoot, and had to man up and shoot in the dead of winter with no coat? Does anyone remember that episode? I'm sure a lot of you reading were probably too young to tune into that show! So random, but that's what kept me going in this cold haha!

Everyone came over to our house for the holiday, and it was great to see everyone! My mother THREW DOWN (as usual). I can't stress enough how well she can cook! I of course still have a seat at the kiddie table, and although 24, am asked if I'm old enough to buy beer lol. (I also dyed the tips of my hair recently). You like?

My plate. #gluttony
Cousin awkwardness...

I don't know how the second half of this post turned into a hair ad, but let's just roll with it lol. I have a giveaway lined up for you all once I hit 300 readers via GFC! If you aren't already following, and you're a fan of my blog, please join! I'd appreciate the support!

Enjoy this last day off before back to work & school on Monday!

The First Snow
Happy Thanksgiving!!  I know it was yesterday but I can still say it, right??  I had a lovely Thanksgiving and I have some things that I am grateful for!  I'm really grateful for family.  They've always been there for me, anytime I need it, and it felt so good to be around loved ones.  This is also the first Thanksgiving without my Grandmother, who passed away a couple of days before Thanksgiving last year.  I am very grateful for her.  We all missed her this year, but I think about her everyday and can feel her watching over me, and it makes me feel better :)

I'm very thankful for my Pop Pop, who just recently turned 88 (can you believe it!) who is always supportive of any dream or endeavor I have, even if it may be crazy or unreasonable.

I'm very grateful for my parents who are pushing me to chase after my dreams.  They just want me to be happy, and will always be behind me if ever and whenever I need them!  Love you guys!

I am also thankful for all of my friends all over the country.  I wish I could see you all regularly!  I'm  additionally thankful for all of the positive feedback and lovely comments I'm getting from you all!  I really appreciate it, more than you know :D

Dinner was at my Aunt's house and I sat at the kiddie table (as usual), but we upgraded the name to the, ahem, "Young Adult" table this year lol.

Adult Table
YOUNG Adult Table

I know my hair looks short, but I have it pinned up.  It's time to wash it, so I might do a tutorial on a new natural doo I'm going to try ;)  And good luck to all you ladies shopping today on Black Friday!  Be careful!!  I did what I'd like to call "online" Black Friday shopping, but it turned out to be just as stressful!! :/

List one thing you're thankful for this year, I'd love to read them!


All photography from this post by: