Posts tagged Holiday
Give thanks.
The Limited Blazer (similar here), TJ Maxx blouse (similar here) & pants (similar here), F21 boots.
It was absolutely freezing cold outside when I took these photos yesterday, and flurrying too! I don't know why or how, but that episode of The Babysitters Club popped into my head while I was outside. The episode when one of them gets casted as a model for a photo shoot, and had to man up and shoot in the dead of winter with no coat? Does anyone remember that episode? I'm sure a lot of you reading were probably too young to tune into that show! So random, but that's what kept me going in this cold haha!

Everyone came over to our house for the holiday, and it was great to see everyone! My mother THREW DOWN (as usual). I can't stress enough how well she can cook! I of course still have a seat at the kiddie table, and although 24, am asked if I'm old enough to buy beer lol. (I also dyed the tips of my hair recently). You like?

My plate. #gluttony
Cousin awkwardness...

I don't know how the second half of this post turned into a hair ad, but let's just roll with it lol. I have a giveaway lined up for you all once I hit 300 readers via GFC! If you aren't already following, and you're a fan of my blog, please join! I'd appreciate the support!

Enjoy this last day off before back to work & school on Monday!

Photo Diary: Thanksgiving + The Weekend :)
People's Republic of China President Hu Jintao and American President Barack Obama. 
I tried to get that student discount, but I didn't have my college id on me (never mind the fact that I'm no longer in college anyway LOL)
"Put some Colored girls in the MoMA..." -Jay-Z
How cool is this?!

1.Thanksgiving was lovely, and the food was amazing (props to Mom)!!
2. Proud of myself for keeping my orchids alive
3. My Aunt giving tarot card readings after Thanksgiving meal LOL (she was good, I enjoyed mine)!
4. My obsession with twitter.  You can follow me here
5. Got my hair straightened & trimmed for the first time in half a year!  Looks pretty good huh?
6. Featured on Chictopia's site
7. My spoiled cat Snap
8. Went to NYC this past weekend
9. Window Shopping
10. United Colors of Benetton's "UNHATE Campagin" showing world leaders sharing a kiss.  So controversial, and I love every bit of it!  To see more photos, click here
11. Visited the MoMA (wanted to check out the Diego Rivera and de Kooning exhibitions there)

I had a great time in NYC, it's always a pleasure :) Can you believe it's December 1st already?!  I'm looking forward to the holidays (and of course Christmas music too)!
